It’s a challenge that many of our automotive clients have previously faced, “How to source an ideal candidate for the vacancy of Regional Director successfully, within a short timeframe”.
A position which demands huge responsibility and requires an individual to perform to the highest levels under pressure, is typically a key appointment for any business. The first stages of the challenge usually involves the business looking for the most suitable candidate by promoting from within. Identifying some of the required qualities from the existing staff pool can lead to successful appointments, but under normal circumstances ‘some of the qualities’ are no substitute for ‘all of the qualities’.
For our existing clients, this is when we are introduced to the challenge. Our long standing reputation and success in identifying the ideal candidates, is the main reason for key automotive clients turning to us time and again. Our reputation also encourages businesses approaching us for the first time, to feel at ease with our ability to source suitable talent, due to our track record with the automotive sector.
Unrivalled recruitment reputation within the automotive industry
With the reputation Southgate Consulting has in the Automotive Executive Search Industry and the communication we have with our candidates, we are aware of individuals we could contact to discuss the role further and within two weeks will have a very concise list pulled together of candidates who exactly fill the brief.
We then arranged to interview a number of candidates and provide a detailed summary for Client consideration, shortlisting and finally face to face interviews.
The above article is based on a successful Executive Search placement of a candidate for a highly respected European Car & Commercial Vehicle Manufacturer/Importer.
If you’re facing the challenge of recruiting high achieving automotive executives at Director level, please contact us on 01235 863 525 and let us find your ideal candidates.